6 Italian Walks for 5 Continents
Aimed at tour operators and travel agencies from all over the world in order to introduce this incredible Italian tourist product to the international market. The participants will experience our wonderful walks, unspoiled places and villages in the center of Italy.

6 groups formed by representatives from TO and Agencies from around the world.
7 excellent ‘pilgrims’ for each of the 6 Walks.
The 6 groups will experience The Wonder Ways paths, and during the various stages they will meet with local people so as to get involved in the experiences and activities of the local territories and villages. On September 20, all 6 groups will meet in Assisi where they will be able to participate in the Wonder Ways event.

TO and travel agents will travel along 6 of the Wonder Way paths in the Center of Italy: The Way of Saint Francis (North), The Way of Saint Benedict, The Via Lauretana Senese, the Via of Francesco in Valmarecchia, the Via Amerina and the Way of Francis of the North.
From September 18th to September 22, 2017

To live a direct experience for those who will let the world know about the Wonder Walks, the wonderful places that host them and the genuine welcome typical of these places. We present to the market a great Italian tourist product: the Cammini.
Are you a tour operator or travel agency? Do you want to experience a wonderful experience on the Italian Paths? Download the participation form, complete it and return it to us and you may be able to walk with us through unspoiled places and unforgettable villages and towns.
First day
Arrival at La Verna, rite in the Stimmate Chapel
(overnight in Sansepolcro)
Second day
Portions of the Sansepolcro-Citerna route
(overnight in Pietralunga)
Third day
Portions of the route Pietralunga-Gubbio (Lunch in Gubbio)
Gubbio-San Piero in Vigneto – Meeting with Brotherhood and Snack
(overnight in Assisi).
Guide: Franco Boarelli
First Day
Arrival at Verrucchio
(overnight in Verrucchio)
Second Day
Portions of the route Verrucchio – San Leo
(overnight in San Leo)
Third Day
Portions of the route Sant’Agata-La Verna
(overnight in Assisi)
Guide: Cristina Menghini
First Day
Arrival in Greccio
Portions of the route Rieti-Greccio
(overnight in Greccio)
Second Day
Portions of the route Marmore-Arrone (Lunch)-Ferentillo
(overnight in Ferentillo)
Third Day
Portions of the route Spoleto-Trevi (Lunch)
(overnight in Assisi)
Guides: Paolo Giulietti e Chiara Serenelli
First Day
Arrival in Cortona, rite in Le Celle
(overnight in Cortona)
Second Day
Portions of the route Cortona-Isola Maggiore
(overnight in Isola Maggiore-Tuoro)
Third Day
Portions of the route Corciano-Perugia – Lunch in Perugia
(overnight in Assisi)
Guide: Giancarlo Guerrini
First Day
Arrival at Nepi
(overnight in Nepi)
Second Day
Portions of the route Orte-Amelia
(overnight in Amelia)
Third Day
Portions of the route Castel dell’Aquila-Todi (Lunch)
(overnight in Assisi)
Guide: Montemeru Association
First Day
Arrival in Norcia
(overnight in Norcia)
Second Day
Portions of the route Norcia-Cascia
(overnight in Cascia)
Third Day
Portions of the route Cascia-Monteleone
(overnight in Assisi)
ITINERARY 1 Via Francesco North
La Verna – Citerna – Città di Castello – Pietralunga – Gubbio – San Piero in Vigneto – Assisi
ITINERARY 2 Via di Francesco in Romagna
Rimini – Villa Verrucchio – San Leo – Sant’Agata – La Verna
ITINERARY 3 Via Francesco South
Roma – San Francesco a Ripa – Rieti – Greccio – Marmore – Arrone – Ferentillo – Spoleto – Trevi – Assisi
ITINERARY 4 Via Lauretana Senese
Cortona – Celle – Cortona – Isola – Magione – Corciano – Perugia – Assisi
ITINERARY 5 Via Amerina
Roma – San Francesco a Ripa – Campagnano – Nepi – Castel Sant’Elia – Orte – Amelia – Castel dell’Aquila – Todi – Assisi

Tour Leaders
Stiamo arrivando
Design and Organization

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Under the patronage of

Partners for Sustainability

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